Participate in the rapid rise of digital dentistry while learning to diagnose, 治疗, 修复和管理外观, 安慰, function and health of patients with deficient or missing teeth and/or oral tissues with the 口腔修复学证书 在威尼斯赌场网站科恩伯格牙科学院任教. The 34-month postdoctoral advanced clinical program prepares students to receive clinical instruction, undergo individual research and gain real-world experience while 治疗ing a diverse patient population. Residents in the program also acquire the intensive training needed to fulfill the requirements of the 美国口腔修复委员会 成为一名专业的口腔修复专家.
Breakthroughs in technology and advancements in bioactive and regenerative materials have pushed the limits of dental science and created a new world of opportunity in the field of dentistry. 虽然这些进步影响着牙科的各个方面, prosthodontics is particularly impacted by these changes as the specialty involves the design and manufacture of replacements for teeth. Temple’s prosthodontics program provides residents with the facilities, support and tools necessary to respond to and create more of these advancements—including being the only clinic provider of maxillofacial prosthetic services at the university and in the surrounding area.
Through the program’s blended curriculum of didactic and clinical courses, residents gain the skills and training required to become professional prosthodontists, 包括生物材料方面的高级专业知识, 种植牙科和颌面修复. The postdoctoral program prepares residents to work with patients who require advanced prosthodontic care beyond the scope of general dentistry, as well as re-治疗 failed cases from the predoctoral clinic—allowing residents to gain experience in managing 治疗ment of patients whose previous 治疗ment was not successful.
The postgraduate certificate in Prosthodontics program admits four residents a year and requires three consecutive years of study to complete. Residents enrolled in the postdoctoral program will also complete all requirements to subsequently earn the 口腔健康科学硕士学位 由科恩伯格牙科学院提供.